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What the film 2,000 Mules reveals is shocking

The American people have been betrayed but is there a way out?
“If we don’t wake up … it won’t stop unless we stop it.”

(Only the first and fifth video segments are shown. Pay to see complete film here.)

Here’s how this election fraud works. There is a lot of election fraud on both sides of the aisle. Gregg Philllips is an election intelligence expert. He and Catherine Engelbrecht, founder of True the Vote, discovered a way to creatively use a massive amount of publicly available video and phone-pinging data to uncover the criminal fraud associated with the 2020 election. They used the same data acquisition and geotracking tools that law enforcement agencies use to catch criminals except, in this case, they used these digital tools to uncover a vast criminal election fraud organization.

This is going to shock you. Yes, this is proof of election fraud on a massive scale, but True the Vote also found that some of the “Mules” that were paid to stuff election ballots into drop boxes also participate in violent riots. How was this discovered? These data experts compared their election fraud phone signal data with publicly available phone signal data associated with riot areas and found some of the mules also participated in the riots. By the way, True the Votes has, Gregg says, “Across the country we bought ten trillion signals … we have more than a petabyte of data.

The great service True the Vote has done for the American people. They make it easy to understand this massive election crime. It’s impossible for most people to look at millions of lines of data and understand it. By using phone signal data to geotrack, True the Vote shows how the Mules went about their work of going from drop box to drop box and putting some ballots in each one to make the crime imppossible to detect. See how the “pattern of life” works, location of drop boxes, “drop box video”, and the locations of “stash houses” where Mules report to their “organizations” and get ballots.

What this shows is massive organized crime in process. In all cases this brazen fraud is associated with phone pinging data, and, in most cases, also with actual video taken at the ballot drop box locations. Some Mules worked for and were paid by multiple organizations locally and in multiple states. In addition to being a felony, this election fraud may qualify as a wide ranging criminal conspiracy and an organized crime prohibited by the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO), a federal law designed to combat organized crime in the United States.

Time for the truth. You’ve seen in great detail how the fraud was committed. You’ve seen it was done on a massive scale, but was it enough to produce a different election outcome? You know the answer because no matter which party you favor you know there was something fishy about the 2020 election. So here are the numbers. The mules worked hard. The non-profit organizations did their job. The ballots were counted. But, how many of the ballots actually reflect the true will of the American people when you exclude the ballots dropped into ballot boxes by the paid mules? 

You’re the one who must decide. “I don’t care how partisan you are you can’t dismiss all of this. How do you explain somebody going to a whole bunch of different drop boxes with a whole bunch of different ballots on the same night at 3:57 A.M. in the morning? How do you explain that? That alone. I’m sorry I think a whole bunch of people in this country are going to go, ‘Oh my God.'” “If every American saw that I think it would move the needle.” “It’s going to be impossible to keep a lid on this thing.” “They have ruined election day in America….” “Without free and fair elections we ….”

This is also interesting