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The Iceman - 200+ kills

The mystery of the human brain. Is a twisted mind born bad or does poor or absent parenting potentially ruin it forever?

Watch the narcissistic psychopath and murderer known as the Iceman. Listen as a psychiatrist sheds light on his character and hear what the Iceman says about his nature and life.

Our government is full of psychopaths. Look at their results.

The Deadly Truth

Millions of people in the health and death industries know America is in trouble

They see what's happening

Do not watch this if you don’t want to see what many embalmers are seeing in the bodies of covid-vaccinated victims who have passed away. Warning there are graphic photographs in these videos. Dr. Jane Ruby interviews board-certified Embalmer and funeral Director, Richard Hirschman who has been in the embalming industry for 20 years. As an embalmer he has to go into arteries and veins of the dead and drain the blood so he can insert embalming fluid. For the first time in his career he ‘s seeing “unnatural blood clot combinations” and “strange fibrous materials that are clogging the vascular system. Graphic parts.

They need to speak out

First responders, doctors, nurses, morticians, funerals directors, and embalmers know what’s happening. They are seeing horrific things happening to people who have been vaccinated, and also what’s happening to them in hospitals. They know that the truth is being covered up. They’re afraid to tell what they’re seeing. Fortunately, Mr. Hirschman has decided that people need to know about what he’s seeing. Dr. Ruby asks many questions that encourage Mr. Hirschman to describe in detail both what he is seeing and what he thinks about it.  You can see he is mystified and concerned about what he’s seeing.

What is this composed of?

Dr. Ruby asks Mr. Hirschman if he is saving specimens of what he is finding. He says, “I don’t need to worry about having … if I embalm four bodies in one day it’s likely that two of them that have it.” As Dr. Ruby encourages him to speak, he says, “If this is caused by the vaccine imagine the amount of people that will be dying … because people can’t live with this kind of substance floating around in their vessels. It’s amazing how many people are dying of heart attacks and strokes. If one small fibrous tissue gets up into the brain you’re going to have a stroke. If it gets into your heart it’s going to lead you to a heart attack.”

Doesn't want to remove hope

Mr. Hirschman says, “There’s a lot of people that I love and that I know, family members, friends that have received this vaccine  … please take an aspirin a day. I don’t know if this will stop these kinds of fibrous clots but it can’t hurt you. I don’t want to put the fear into all the people that have already received these and end up taking away the hope from them.” He’s concerned because “If these things are growing slowly time is going to make it continue to grow.” Despite the grim outlook he says, “Whatever this stuff is if we can figure out what it is then maybe we can find a way to dissolve these things to help save people’s lives.”

Hospitals expanding morgues

Registered Nurse Corrine Lund says during the first year of the pandemic “there was no problem”. But now her hospital’s “three bay morgue” was expanded to hold five bodies. That wasn’t enough so at this time they have a large trailer parked outside the hospital that has a capacity for ten more bodies. She says, “There’s an up tick in deaths across the system….” And she adds, “This is unheard of. Suddenly people are dying and I think this is just the beginning.” Nurse Lund also says, “This is very disturbing … In this part of the country … there is a very high vaccination rate … the patients that are dying are vaccinated.”

Undertakers know the truth

Undertakers everywhere bury the dead. John O’Looney owns a family funeral home so he’s not at threat to losing his job for blowing the whistle. He’s been reporting what he’s been seeing in his business and England for two years. In short, he says at the start of the pandemic when the English and American media were reporting people were dropping like flies he saw no increase in business. Now, however, it’s a different story. He says people who are vaccinated are dying in large numbers. The story is the same all over the world. Governments and Pfizer encouraged vaccinations and immunologists said, “Stop!” Think.

The FBI knows the Chinese Communist Party has all your private information including data on 1.8 million election workers and every member of their families

China also controls election software throughout America

(Gregg said this disclosure would blow 2,000 Mules out of the water ... here's why...)

After the release of 2,000 Mules Gregg Phillips announced they had discovered something about election corruption that would dwarf 2,000 Mules. They were imprisoned in Texas when they disclosed how the Chinese Communist Party is infiltrating America and destroying the American election system. What they discovered and the amount of evidence they have is now made public. The media is not reporting on this because the media has sold out and chosen the advertising dollars of Big Pharma and the corruption of the American government over the well-being of American people.

We went to the FBI because this was a matter of national security.” Meanwhile, Konnech, one of God only knows how many Chinese Communist Party puppets in America, sued Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips for defamation. At the time a Federal Judge in Texas imprisoned them for refusing to disclose their sources. Then Konnech withdrew their suit when they were shown the mountain of evidence in disclosure. The public and press are invited to dig through all the documents – none of which are redacted. It is all well-organized and available for all to study at Open.ink here.

These videos may be difficult to dig through because they prove just how corrupt and traitorous our government has become.  In the end, for example, Phillips told the FBI, “You guys are the sorriest traitors on the face of the earth for doing what you’ve done.” In short, Gregg says, “It was an op right to the end against us … the challenge we all have is this [election corruption] software is still in place.” Also, he said, “According to Chinese law once it goes onto Chinese internet …” it belongs to the Chinese Communist Party. Gregg gave the FBI 500 terabytes of data he took from China.

Our leaders are lazy and care nothing about the American people. For example, they pay the media billions to support a pandemic and mandate the vaccination of every American but they exclude themselves from having to be vaccinated. They lie, cheat, and steal. No matter how you feel, and no matter what political party you favor, what’s important here is that the Chinese Communist Party has infiltrated every aspect of American life with the support of Washington and has every piece of private information on you and your children and government officials that you can imagine!

Now that you know the truth about what’s being done to destroy America what can you do to save it? Think.

When Nancy Pelosi, former Speaker of the House, and second in line of succession to the presidency, started her political career she wanted to “Drain the swamp.” That was her number one objective. Turns out she became a big part of the swamp. She said, “Until we drain the swamp and bring integrity to the political process we won’t be able to go forward. It’s a big dirty swamp.” She grew so corrupt she lied to the American people about everything. She must think the American people are stupid because despite the cruel oppression of the Chinese Communist Party she says, “China is one of the freest societies in the world.”

The Heroic Truth

The American people are freedom loving by nature and the real heroes now are the medical professionals and others who are speaking out

The unsung vilified heroes

Not all people who practice medicine are equally gifted. The truly gifted are those doctors and nurses who are speaking out against the injustice of hospital administrators whose only interest is to get the government money that is being poured out on the hospitals who do whatever the FDA and CDC commands them to do even when it means that hundreds of thousands of covid patients are dying in America. The corruption of the medical industry is on every side apparent.  If your doctor is unwilling to treat you with the medicines you choose that are proven to be saving lives they are proof of corruption. Listen to heroes.

Florida Governor fed up

Many doctors and nurses are fed up with the malpractices they see all around them. If they complain they are threatened with the loss of their jobs and the right to practice medicine. What you’re seeing is not only a crime against humanity but the crushing of civilization by the corrupt ruling class who are using covid to kill people everywhere. You have to resist because as you can see from these videos the “vaccines” are doing incredible damage. The doctors and scientists who speak out are warning you. Thy’re telling you to stand up to those who are using you like lab rats and calling it innovations. Vaccine passports? No.

They have more in store for you

Millions of people across the earth have been murdered by those who paid for and managed the narratives associated with the spread of the covid pandemic.  Do you think they are going to suddenly stop killing people? Did Hitler stop the war when he knew he was losing? No. They won’t stop because they know they will be tried in courts of law for crimes against humanity or be torn apart limb by limb by those they rule. These monsters will continue to pollute the earth with viruses. Why continue this insanity unless you want to reduce the population?

Courage to stand against

In the face of a 300% increase of miscarriages, an almost 300% increase in cancers, and over a 1,000% increase in neurological issues – all due to covid vaccinations says Tom Renz while testifying before a congressional committee and producing three whistle blowers. The neurological issues alone increased from “82,000 per year to 863,000 in one year. Our soldiers are being experimented on ….” Attorney Renz says, “This is corruption at the highest level. We need investigations. The Secretary of Defense needs to be investigated. The CDC needs to be investigated. Thank you for having the courage to stand against ….”

Died of medical malfeasance

Nicole Sirotek , RN, shares what she saw on the front lines in NYC during the time when Governor Cumo killed more than 10,000 senior citizens with his incompetence. She tells of “the complete medical mismanagement of these patients.” She says the problem is that medical professionals “have been prevented from doing their jobs.” She says, the pharmaceutical companies came in to practice medicine with Remdesivir … “we all saw it was killing the patients….” “We knew what was happening ….” She said the hospitals said, “We’re just following orders.” She said, “If you put down it was a vaccine injury …..”

How many died from covid?

The facts are in. During the past two years of covid hysteria only 17,371 people in England have died from covid. So in January 2022 the Brits got out of the mass deception parade. No more lock downs. No masks. No vaccine passports. When will America do the same? Never because there are more elections to be stolen. More panic and hysteria to spread. And more Americans to be killed by their corrupt government via the German vaccine manufacturer and more babies to be made dumber by the wearing of masks and, of course, more calls for vaccine passports. Wake up America. Speak up. Resist. Be brave.

More than 17,000 doctors

Every doctor and scientist in the United States should be a member of America’s Frontline Doctors, but not everyone is courageous. Not everyone is willing to speak out even when they see medical atrocities  on every side. Not everyone learned the valuable lesson that when the going gets tough the tough get going. Every American should be proud of these doctors and scientists who are willing to put their careers and reputations on the line in matters where disclosing the medical and scientific truth is more important than remaining silent in the face of the destruction being rained on humanity. Wake up. Watch. Think.

People like you across the nation

Freedom is important. Without it your local and national government will abuse and corrupt your children. They will take away every right your ancestors fought and bled to preserve. There are organizations and chapters of organizations like Make America Free Again across the nation. They’re raising awareness about the injustices that are being pushed on the American people to try and create a people who can be frightened and pushed into doing whatever the ruling class tells them to do. Where are the organizations that promote the opposite of freedom? There are many. They hide their intentions. Watch. Think.

They're coming for our children

Listen to this impassioned speech as if your freedom depends on it. Senator Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is a renown attorney, champion of the environment and rights of children. He is the nephew of President John F. Kennedy and the son of Robert F. Kennedy both assassinated for daring to stand up for the right of the American people to be free and not be controlled by an array of corporate interests. Senator Kennedy spoke on January 23, 2022 before a huge crowd who gathered in Washington DC to protest governmental tyranny that seeks to force people to be vaccinated and carry vaccine passports. ThinkResist.

Fight for your freedom

Governments are out of control. Wicked people are killing millions of people across the earth. These people are making insane choices that will affect every aspect of your life. For example, today both military and civilian pilots are being forced to get vaccinated. Soon there will be few American pilots who are not vaccinated that are flying planes with you and your families in them. If you’ve been reading carefully and watching the videos you know what that means. Most pilots will have life threatening blood clots flowing through their veins and arteries. Anytime they could have a heart attack or stroke and crash their plane.

The heroic MSgt John Chapman

What does a heroic person do? This video recording of the actions of Air Force combat controller John Chapman, the recipient of two Medals of Honor, demonstrates what courage and sacrifice looks like. The cowards in government and on school boards and those who administrate hospitals that prevent doctors from treating patients with proven medical protocols that have saved hundreds of thousands of victims of covid across America should be ashamed of themselves. Where possible you have a duty as a citizen on the United States of America to vote in courageous people who will defend your freedom.

The global crisis associated with population collapse

Elon Musk, Jordan Peterson, and other prominent thinkers have been warning for years that statistically speaking none need fear too great a population on earth; instead, there is an imminent population collapse that threatens the light of human consciousness on earth.

Here’s how it works

Across the earth but mainly in the so-called first world of nations wherein people are most highly educated women are intent on pursing higher education and building careers where they can vie with men in the workplace, and, thus, they are sacrificing child bearing.

Instead of building normal families women have decided to have no children or only one child.

That means couples are not reproducing at a rate that replaces themselves.

The social adoption of this negative fertility rate is having a devastating population decline effect in Japan, and other Asian nations, but also in Russia and throughout Europe.

The same goes for Communist China wherein until fairly recently the social engineers there decided to limit families to one child. And, unfortunately, since in most cultures the birth of a male child is valued more than a female; when a female child was born in Communist China it would mysteriously die. The parents would keep having babies until a male was born to survive the murder of his sisters.

This produced a nation with a gross over population of men and an under population of women.

Are Black Americans on the brink of extinction?

The declining birth rate among black Americans is especially distressing. Margaret Sanger the founder of Planned Parenthood hated black people. She was a Democrat and member of the KKK. She thought that black mothers were so dumb they would choose to kill their babies if given a choice, but she never dreamed that white mothers would do the same. 

Sixty million babies in America have been aborted at the altar of expedience, lack of wisdom, and convenience since Roe vs Wade and the institutionalization of Planned Parenthood. Some 19 million were black babies. This is a catastrophe for the black race in America because only 6.5% of black Americans are women. They have murdered nearly one third of all the babies aborted since 1973.

The Shocking History of Planned Parenthood

Mrs. Clinton said, “I admire Margaret Sanger enormously … her vision. I am really in awe of her.” Well, that’s telling because Margaret Sanger believed a lot of disgusting things about the human race and how humans should be managed. “They know when she writes about human weeds they know that it’s repulsive. They know it’s disgusting.” But  “The left will never abandon Margaret Sanger. She is the foundation of so many of their views.”

The left is concerned about the reputation of their idol. So, as you can imagine there’s a “push to repackage Margaret Sanger.” That’s proving to be difficult because, “Look at the maps. See where the abortion facilities are. They are near places where people are marginalized. People are poor. People are minority and that’s their target market.” It appears the left is driven to do the work of their hero. “There is nothing as close to a sacrament… It is a holy writ ….”

In the case of the native born black race in America the worst thing about this crime of self-inflicted genocide is the population of blacks in America would have increased by 20 million great black Americans and the spirit they contribute to us all, at the very least, but probably much more because many of those black babies would have grown up to have children of their own. Instead, today, there are only 13 million black Americans because Planned Parenthood killed 20 million black babies.

In short, when you consider fertility rates, Black Americans have wiped themselves out.

The Democrat machine knows this is true. They understand the implications. And to make up for the voters that will be lost by the catastrophic decline of the black race in America they have opened the southern borders because they want to replace black voters with more compliant brown voters who are from South America and who have a long history of voting for whoever they are told to vote for.

Across the earth the declining numbers of women who are repopulating the earth has reached crisis proportions from which there is no hope of recovery because even if most began to have babies those babies would not mature and be able to reproduce in time to prevent the population collapse.

Remember (1) the women have to change their minds about the value of motherhood and child bearing compared to career building and this sociological change could take 50 or more years, (2) then women would normalize and begin to bear a normal number of babies, and (3) then the babies have to mature before they can have babies, and (4) finally they have to choose to have babies.

That multi-generational biological cycle has to occur to prevent a population collapse, and since it takes over one hundred years to happen, a population collapse is inevitable and catastrophic. Because human civilization as a whole will experience a dramatic reduction in the number of people necessary to adequately operate the various cultures and civilizations spread across the earth.

That catastrophe is already in progress. Interestingly, with each passing day the dangers inherent in the impressive and bewildering progress of A.I. and robotics may act to alleviate part of this threat, or, on the other hand, may increase it and be the proverbial nail in the coffin that prevents recovery.

How other more evil forces are working to depopulate the earth

The threat to human existence is also in progress because of the machinations of the psychopaths who espouse the work of the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, and, also, the sinister work of other social planners like Bill Gates who have their own plans to reduce human population, and make billions through their investments in destructive patents and Big Pharma.

These organizations and the thoughtless people in universities and governments throughout the earth who support them share a monstrous lack of wisdom. Their desire to play god in a world already replete with false gods, leads them to seek grant money with which to surreptitiously enhance viruses and unleash them on humanity for no other purpose except to reduce population.

But even worse, in terms of the devastating effects on the future and fortunes of humanity, they create “vaccines” and fill them with an experimental array of poisons to test their effects on the human race which they see as nothing more than laboratory animals and “useless people”.

These psychopaths have already won. Billions will die because they have been and continue to be injected with these poisons. In addition, research studies done by child neuropsychologists at various universities find that the adoption of societal convention associated with the wearing of covid-face-masks has already dramatically reduced the IQ of untold billions of babies across the entire world.

Findings related to face masking and children are reported in the 167 articles and studies published by the Brownstone Institute who regularly publish articles from hundreds of scholars. In summary: 

“Current evidence implies that face masks can be actually harmful. The body of evidence indicates that face masks are largely ineffective. … To date, the evidence has been stable and clear that masks do not work to control the virus and they can be harmful and especially to children.” 

The plan of the so-called “elites” will turn on them but it has also already turned on the human race.

Certainly, one of the most devastating effects of the covid-vaccinations is the discovery they induce an autoimmune deficiency disease commonly known as AIDS. It is costly to treat, and in the third world billions will die horrible deaths because few or none can afford the cost of the medications. Even in cases where the infected can afford them these costly medications do not cure AIDS so they must be continually taken for the lifetime of those who are afflicted by the devastating disease. 

Covid-vax induced autoimmune deficiency

Huge alarms going off across the earth in medical community
The poison in the covid-vaccines is causing a devastating form of AIDS

Dr. Robert Malone says, “The U.K. is now normalizing testing for auto immune deficiency syndrome.” “Acquired auto immuno deficiency syndrome … AIDS. …. I think … we are going to see some form of immune deficiency that might be primarily T-cell manifest.” Your T-cells are a type of white blood cell known as lymphocytes that protect your body from pathogens. T-cell immunodeficiency suggests killer lymphocytes that go wild and attack your organs.

Todd Collender, Attorney, Disabled Rights Advocates, reports a planned genocide of U.S. military forces produced by forcing troops to be covid vaccinated. These vaccines have produced 11 times as many deaths within 10 months of vaccination over 2020. He says, “If you look at the forecast that should be … 5,000% increase this year.” He says in its documents Pfizer discloses it added “an HIV protein to the shots for … disabling peoples’ auto immune.”  “This is genocide.”

Dr. Elizabeth Eads, a frontline doctor that has treated thousands of covid patients in Florida and never lost one, says, “We are seeing vaccine related acquired immune deficiency in the hospital now from the triple vaxxed.” Dr. Eads says “We’re not really certain how to treat this.” She calls the appearance of AIDS in the triple vaxxed and even those vaxxed once a “calamity.” Quoting a Stanford study she says the boosters are “just devastating to the immune system.”

Dr. Luc Montagnier “recognized as the most brilliant virologist ever” warned in 2020 the covid-19 virus “had been modified with HIV inserts.” Dr. Montagnier spoke out against the experimental covid vaccines despite unrelenting attacks against him. He called the rush to get vaccinated with an untested vaccine: “Vaccination insanity.” When the renown Dr. Zelenko was asked if the vaccinated had AIDs. He said, “Yeah. You better believe that this is AIDS.”

The researcher Karen Kingston presents evidence regarding the HIV like sys toms associated with the covid vaccines that is wiping out people’s immune systems. She says that “the vaccine produces the spike protein that contains HIV glycoprotein 120” and that “explains why these symptoms are happening.” Studies show that patients who never had herpes before, “within 2 days or two weeks after the first or second dose a percentage of them developed herpes.” And “.. herpes is one of the first signs of a depleted immune system.”

This patent researcher says the coronavirus is an unstable virus. “Children never get infected …” What the Chinese scientists did with Fauci is they added stuff to the virus to weaponize it so that when they inject the “vaccine” into human bodies … “We are going to see an onslaught of rare autoimmune diseases … things people have never seen before…. including major neurological disorders.” The World Health Organization is “expecting a hepatitis outbreak in America.”  Hepatitis and a depleted immune system will be grim.

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Day One of the regime Nancy told the police to kick troops protecting them from Antifa and Black Lives Matter out of the Capitol  building. She sent them to stay in parking garages.

President Donald Trump invites America’s heroes to come in from the cold and use his hotel to rest in. He has offered his hotel to house American troops from across the nation. 

Vote to ask President Trump for an Executive Order to inspire whistle blowers

(You’ll be donating to help fund the Rise Business School for American Indian youth)

The simple way

[A] Jovan tells how the truth of the election outcome can be determined by using his technology to scan the election ballots. He says ignore the statistics. Just scan the election ballots. Interesting videos in this segment prove how it works.

[B] Jovan says, “We the American people own the physical ballots by law.” He says his technology works in groceries stores and banks. His same scanning technology should be acceptable to everyone because it works exactly the same.

The black genius who discovered how the fraud works​

The Navy Officer and fraud expert who witnessed it

James and John Sullivan are the adopted sons of General Sullivan. One went Antifa/BLM.  Brother says he and 226 Antifa members planned the riot.

Trump supporters with their red caps walk in an orderly fashion to enjoy the people’s house. Meanwhile, congress impeaches Trump for insurrection.

Despite the mountain of lies and corrupt information from the media, 91% of Trump voters would vote for him again. People love Trump and America.